Teaser Tuesday is hosted by MizB of Should be Reading. It's where you take a current read (or reads, in my case), let the the book fall open to a random page and take a teaser from that spread of pages. Some of my teasers are long; others are short. The suggested teaser length is two to three lines, but...
The first current read (I'm re-reading them all, since they're all VERY good books):
City of Bones, by Cassandra Clare

"Slowly the library came back into focus--the book-lined walls, the anxious faces of Hodge and Jace. Brother Jeremiah stood unmoving, a carved idol of ivory and red ink. Clary became aware of the sharp pains in her hands, and glanced down to see red lines scored across her skin where her nails had dug in."
Ooh, what happens next? What happened? That's for me to know and you to find out!
The second current read:
Fell, by David Clement-Davies
NOTE: This is the SECOND book in a series; read The Sight first!

"'So one day, when we had argued, Jalgan singled my brother out before the whole Vengerid. He called him Sikla and traitor and took out his throat.'"
Wow. That was stated by wolf Fell, the titular character of this book.
Read to find out what happens next!
The third current read:
Darkwing, by Kenneth Oppel
NOTE: This is a prequel to the Silverwing trilogy; I recommend reading them first!

"'You know, little brother,' Sylph commented, 'you look particularly odd from this angle.'
'You know, big sister,' said Dusk, glancing down at her, 'from this angle it would be particularly unfortunate if I had to pee.'"
Wow; child prehistoric bats act like children. This line always makes me laugh, no matter how many times I read it.
The fourth and final current read:
The Search for WondLa, by Tony DiTerlizzi

"The robot had put an arm around her, 'Well, Eva, there are trees. But they cannot grow here, where we live. They grow... above us.'
'Can we go and see them?' Eva had been excited at the idea of exploring a big forest towering right above them. 'We could play hide-and-seek and have a picnic.'
'All in due time,' Muthr had replied, setting a bowl of oatmeal-flavored mush in front of her. All in due time....
That's all for this week! See you next Tuesday for Teaser Tuesday!
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